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The idea for the Christian Endeavor  started in a discussion among members of the Upper Room Sunday School class of the Dyer Cuumberland Presbyterian Church in early 1992.  The class was discussing ways of showing Christian love in the community, and serving those who are in greatest need seemed to be a good way of showing this love.

Originally, through a generous rental agreement from a local businessman, a suitable building was secured.  For a period of time, class members operated with class funds and donations from a few people who believed in the mission of the Christian Endeavor.  In an effort to extend this service, other community churches were invited to participate.  Through this effort, donations of money, used clothing, toys,  and furniture increased. Additional volunteers began working as well.

A board of directors, with representatives from each participating church, help to govern the operations of the Christian  Endeavor. They do not charge for items in the store, nor do they have cash avaiable.  They do provide food and other items for individuals and familaies who have a great need.


Donations of funiture, gently used clothing, and money are always needed.  Volunteers are welcomed and needed as well.


The LORD has blessed this ENDEAVOR.



Christian Endeavor

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